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Label Helper Setup

The setup process is just three small steps:

  1. Download the zip file
  2. Uncompress the zip file
  3. Run the Label Helper

Note: ALJI Label Helper has only been tested on Windows 10 and on Mac OSX 10.4 (Mojave). Other systems may may vary in results.

Here’s the detailed walk-through of the entire setup:

Download the zip file

  1. Click the download link for your operating system:
  2. Save the file in a familiar location
    • Your computer’s setting may automatically download the file to your ‘downloads’ folder: image

Uncompress the zip file

Note: Uncompress, unzip, and extract all have the same meaning in most cases

A larger, more comprehensive guide for unzipping files can be found here for Windows and here for Mac. However, these simple steps may suffice:

  1. Select the ‘zip’ file that you downloaded: image
  2. From the ‘Compressed Folder Tools’ menu, select ‘Extract all’ image
  3. The zip file will take less than a minute to extract.
  4. You should now notice a folder has been created from the zip file image
  5. You can now delete the zip file; it is no longer needed. You will need the folder for the labeling task.

Run the Label Helper

  1. In the ‘ALJI Label Helper’ folder, you should see a file called ‘ALJILabelHelper’. That is the application we will use. Double click it to begin
    • Your computer may warn you about running this program. This is because Microsoft and Apple do not know me (the developer) very well. I can assure you that every piece of this program can be seen and scrutinized from the project’s github repository page. Feel free to contact me about this (
  2. The ALJI Label Helper should be opened and running. Do not continue until you have read all the instructions within the next section! image

Troubleshooting / Reporting errors:

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